
AIA Design Awards Winner 2023, AIA Los Angeles, 2023
Canyon Residence
Western Science Center Academy
Katz Family Pavilion for Athletics and Culture
Keck Institute for Space Studies - California Institute of Technology
Algin Sutton Pool
Chandler Tiny Home Village
Restore Neighborhoods LA Affordable Housing Prototypes
Milken Community School Architecture + Design Institute
Temple Bat Yahm
University of California Los Angeles La Kretz Garden Pavilion
Clinica Romero
Los Angeles Glendale Water Reclamation Facility
Potrero Heights Senior and Community Center
Liberty Commons Echo Park Office
Davisson Residence
Lehrer Architects Studio
James M. Wood Community Center
Westwood United Methodist Church
Camp Shalom Jerry's Place
Downtown Drop-in Center
East Rancho Apartments
Milken Community School Guerin Family Institute for Advanced Sciences
Los Angeles County Clerk Registrar Operations Center
Central Recreation Center Pool
Norton Towers on the Court
Reseda Park Pool
Barnsdall Park
Spring Street Park
Willowbrook Housing
Santee Village
"YOU-ADU" Standard Plan for the City of Los Angeles